Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tickets go to...

Grandma and Grandpa Fannin!

Michigan Game

On Saturday, 10-4-08, I am going to a Michigan football game with Dad, maybe Micah, maybe Alyssia, too. But we are not really sure about that because we don't know if they can sit still for the whole game. Michigan is playing against Illinois. We were given tickets to the game at Mott's Children's hospital on the 8th floor. They asked us if we would like some tickets and we said, "Sure!" That is how we got the tickets and I am excited! And just one more thing, we have four tickets so we might not bring Micah and Alyssia, so whoever wants to go with us give me a post on my blog and we'll see if that works out. Bye! (unless my Dad makes other plans)